Lots of walking stuff

Monday, 7 August 2023

Hadrians Wall 26/7/2023 - 27/7/2023 Days 3 and 4

Wednesday 26/7 Steel Rigg - Green Carts Farm 

Short section of road between the Trail and the Sill

After a nice evening and big breakfast at the Sill I set off  on the next leg.

Sycamore Gap

Today was my favorite day - 5 star walking with lots of ups and downs and fabulous 360 views as I progressed along the ridge.

 I stopped for a cuppa at Houseteads museum, and then continued on the roller coaster walk following some well preserved sections of wall.

The last day and a half the trail had followed the Pennine Way , but here (just before Housesteads it leaves us heading for Bellingham.

I had a chat to these two walkers at Grindon turret. The following week they posted a vlog on youtube.

A welcome break at Brocolita Temple


Greencarts Camping barn

A brilliant days walking , including Steel Rigg, Sycamore Gap,Housesteads, Sewing Shields and Brocolita. The accomodation at Green Carts farm was great. I had the camping Barn dorm all to myself. I ordered a takeaway pizza for supper which was quite expensive due to the delivery charge.

About 10 miles

Thursday 27/7 Green Carts Farm - Heddon on the Wall

Quite a tough day today. 17 miles and it rained (quite heavily at times) for most of the day. Small examples of remaining wall near the start and end of today , but a large portion of the walk the trail shadowed the military road all the way - usually no more than 10 - 20 yards away. The one plus to this is thta navigation was simple. That included a diversion through the woods before Portgate due to tree felling.

Also, because of the rain not too many photos today.

Remains of a turret just after I set off (before the rain)

First site of the Tyne in Chollerford

Chollerford Bridge

Altra Lone Peak 6s doing a stirling job

Wall remains at Heddon

Houghton North Farm - Home for the night

The cafe at portgate was a welcome break from the rain. Tea and toasted tea cake - lovely.

17 Wet , muddy miles.

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