Lots of walking stuff

Saturday, 5 August 2023

Hadrians Wall 24/7/2023 - 25/7/2023 Days 1 & 2

 After the 2020 attempt when Rowan and myself got as far as Gilsland (from Bowness on Solway), the plan this week was to complete the trail West to East (apart from the last 5 miles)

Monday 24/7 Segundum - Newcastle Quays

Arrived in Newcastle station around mid-day after a good journey from Derby, and then caught the metro to Wallsend. The plan today was a short 5 mile warm up walk from the Segundum museum to Newcastle Quayside. I also had the added benefit of the museum being open.


Model of how the fort would have looked

View from the top of the tower

Not strictly true until Friday

Arriving at Newcastle quayside all I had to do was find my hotel and clock off for the day. 

A nice, easy 5 miles in good conditions to start the week. I liked the stretch on the Tyne riverside path.

Tuesday 25/7 Gilsland - Steel Rigg

After a good nights sleep and a big breakfast I caught the train to Haltwhistle and then a taxi to Gilsland. By late morning I was at the point that Rowan and I fuinished at three years earlier. I was immediately faced with a diversion sign which I followed into the village and then lost!! I went back to the original trail and picked that u. Despite being a bit overgrown in places I didn't encounter any obstacles and soon marching away from Gilsland.

The original plan three years ago was a 20 mile epic from here all the way to Chollerford. Today was a much more manageable 10 miles stopping for the night at the YHA the Sill.

First view of the Whin Sill

Milecastle Near Gilsland

Follow the Acorn

Trig point just before Steel Rigg

Cawfield Quarry - Stopped of here for a cuppa

Fortunately, a very calm bull

Milecastle on the edge of Gilsland

Remains of Thirwell Castle

The trail signage was excellent on this leg and I rarely needed to refer to a map or my OS app. What was also great was stopping and chatting to fellow walkers, including one intrepid Pennine Way walker who I shared a few miles with.

Just before Steel Rigg I clocked off for the day and headed down the minor road for a welcome overnight stay at the Sill.

An excellent 10 miles.

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