Lots of walking stuff

Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Yorkshire Dales Aug 11th 12th 13th 2023

 This was a family get together in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. Broadrake bunkhouse is at the foot of Whernside with fabulous views across the valley to Ingleborough and the Ribblehead viaduct.

No big hikes this weekends but I did manage a couple of 'there and back' walks up Whernside and a wander across the valley in front of the bunkhouse.

View from the front of the bunkhouse

Front of the bunkhouse

Magnificent Ingleborough 

Whernside summit from the Bunkhouse

On the way up to Whernside with Tom , Damien, Isaac and Ralphy

First time on Whernside I didn't get to the top. We got past the steep section onto the ridge and Ralpy (who is 10 with some health issues wanted to turn back). I came down with him while the other three headed onto the summit.

Panoramic shot from the front of the bunkhouse

Steam train crossing the viaduct looking down from Whernside

short walk across the valley in front of the bunk house

Whernside Summit

Toms head - the highest point in Yorkshire!

The climb up to Whernside from the bunkhouse is short but steep to get onto the ridge line.

Gathering of the Clan

A lovely weekend despite the weather.

Bleaklow Head 9/08/2023

 This was a short there and back hike from Snake summit to Bleaklow Head to re-aquaint myself with this leg of the Pennine Way. All being well I want to try a few days on the trail this year.

An excellent walk in clear weather. I lost the path around the Hern Stones, but soon picked it up again with the help of my compass. Next time I come up here for a day hike I'll take a detour to see the aircraft wreck.

Excellent path wiith shelf moor to the right

Possible camping spot for the PW .

Hern Stones

PW marker

Bleaklow Head

Kinder Scout in the distance looking magnificent

About 5.5 miles. I look forward to walking this when I attempt the PW.

Monday, 7 August 2023

Hadrians Wall 28/7 Heddon on the Wall - Newcastle Quays Day 5


A straightforward 10 miles mostly on tarmac following the Tyne. Navigation easy, and the weather was fine which was a real treat after yesterday.

Scotswood on the outskirts of Newcastle
The statue is called 'Yesterday Today Forever'. It is a symbol of hope for the future in this former mining community.

Scotswood Bridge

Newcastle Quayside.

A great feeling to finish another long distance trail. I ended up with four hours in Newcastle a s I had an advanced ticket at 5:30 back to Derby.

Hadrians Wall 26/7/2023 - 27/7/2023 Days 3 and 4

Wednesday 26/7 Steel Rigg - Green Carts Farm 

Short section of road between the Trail and the Sill

After a nice evening and big breakfast at the Sill I set off  on the next leg.

Sycamore Gap

Today was my favorite day - 5 star walking with lots of ups and downs and fabulous 360 views as I progressed along the ridge.

 I stopped for a cuppa at Houseteads museum, and then continued on the roller coaster walk following some well preserved sections of wall.

The last day and a half the trail had followed the Pennine Way , but here (just before Housesteads it leaves us heading for Bellingham.

I had a chat to these two walkers at Grindon turret. The following week they posted a vlog on youtube.

A welcome break at Brocolita Temple


Greencarts Camping barn

A brilliant days walking , including Steel Rigg, Sycamore Gap,Housesteads, Sewing Shields and Brocolita. The accomodation at Green Carts farm was great. I had the camping Barn dorm all to myself. I ordered a takeaway pizza for supper which was quite expensive due to the delivery charge.

About 10 miles

Thursday 27/7 Green Carts Farm - Heddon on the Wall

Quite a tough day today. 17 miles and it rained (quite heavily at times) for most of the day. Small examples of remaining wall near the start and end of today , but a large portion of the walk the trail shadowed the military road all the way - usually no more than 10 - 20 yards away. The one plus to this is thta navigation was simple. That included a diversion through the woods before Portgate due to tree felling.

Also, because of the rain not too many photos today.

Remains of a turret just after I set off (before the rain)

First site of the Tyne in Chollerford

Chollerford Bridge

Altra Lone Peak 6s doing a stirling job

Wall remains at Heddon

Houghton North Farm - Home for the night

The cafe at portgate was a welcome break from the rain. Tea and toasted tea cake - lovely.

17 Wet , muddy miles.

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...