Lots of walking stuff

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Pennine Way Day 13. Dufton - Alston. 21/08/2024


Had a decent nights sleep in the Hobbit Hut at Dufton campsite, and like the day before woke up at four and was away for five AM ...in the dark!!

Inside the hobbit hut

Dufton Pike

I had a navigation error on the way up to Knock Fell which cost me around 20 minutes to correct. Not a big deal but not something you want on a 20 mile day.

On the way up to Knock Fell

Knock Hush
The term Hush was used a few times in this area of the map, and I learned later that these were man made channels formed by using dams and then letting the water wash away the surface soil to expose seams of coal. Once I got to Knock fell summit I entered the clag, and the wind picked up and the temperature fell.

Knock Old Man - Justbelow the actual summit

I could just make out the radar stationas I passed across Great Dun Fell

In clear weather the way off Knock Fell is probably easy as you would just aim for the radat statin on top of Great Dun Fell. However, in the clag with lots of boggy pathes and indistinct paths it was quite tricky until i hit a section of flagged path. I hadn;t packed gloves - my hands were bloody freezing.

Just as I arrived on the summit of Little Dun Fell, the mist started to clear and the wind really picked up. 

looking back to Great Dun Fell

Little Dun Fell as the mist cleared
There was a decent flagged path for most of the way to the Cross Fell plateau.

Looking back to Little Dun Fell and Great Dun Fell

Cross Fell plateau

Looking back to Little Dun Fell and Great Dun Fell from Cross Fell

Summit Trig point and wind shelter

Top of the Pennines

As the conditions were now clear, there was a clear line of cairns of the plateau which would take me down to Gregs Hut. The path was indistinct just as it dropped of the plateau, but as soon as it joined the Corpse Road track there was no navigation issues.

It was great to stop for a break in Greg's Hut.

The Corpse Road

The next part of this epic day was following the Corpse road to Garragill. It was about 7 - 8 miles but it seemed at times never ending !!

I eventually arrived in Garagillwhere I found a bench and stopped for a short break before the last few miles to Alston. I had one more navigation error on this section which probably cost me another 20 minutes. I was pleased to arrive in Alston. I booked into the Victoria Inn, popped over the road to the Co-op for some food, took it back to my room where I scoffed the lot. I was in bed for 7:30 and was asleep before 8.


On the way to Alston

An epic 20 miler which will last long in the memory.

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