Lots of walking stuff

Tuesday, 3 September 2024

Pennine Way Day 12 Middleton in Teesdale - Dufton 20/08/2024

 An epic day on the PW. 20 miles, 3 waterfalls, the River Tees and High Cup Nick.

I set of (in the dark !) at 5AM. The first couple of miles were mostly across farm fields fairly close to the Tees. After that the walk became far more interesting and spectacular as I reached the first waterfall of the day - Low Force.

Low Force

Next up was High Force (in the rain). I was having problems with both my feet by this point and was beginning to wonder if I was going to be able to continue after today. The rain stopped shortly after High Force and I maanaged to find somewhere to stop for breakfast. It's amazing how food and rest can lift the spirits !!

Bridge near Low Force

Low Force

High Force

Breakfast stop
The next section continue to follow the Tees and after a tricky descent to Cronkley Farm I crossed the Tees.

The next stretch was a beautiful trek on the along he north bank of Tees with great views both of the river. Eventually I reached the rocky section before Cauldron Snout, and the going became slow and careful as I picked my way across the rocks and boulders. I was eventually rewarded with a brilliant scramble up the side of Cauldron Snout which in my estimation was the most spectacular of the days waterfalls.

The magnificent River Tees

Cauldron Snout

Dam Wall - Cow Green Resevoir

Crossing the footbridge just above the falls and below the dam wall of Cow Green Resevoir the walk then followed Maize Beck ( atributary of the Tees) all the way to the magnificent High Cup Nick.

Bridge over Maize Beck

High Cup Nick

From the High Cup Nick the trail drops (quite steep in places) a few miles down to Dufton where I had booked a 'hobbit hut' at the camp site fot the night. On the way down I was treated to the sight of some wild ponies.

Here is a link to a few video clips -

After fish and chips in the pub I was soon back at the camp site and fast asleep after an unforgettable 20 mile epic.

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