Lots of walking stuff

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

Pennine Way Day 3. White Hill - Hebden Bridge . 16th May 2024

 Woke up around 5 AM, and after something to eat I was packed up and heading off into the mist just before 7.

All packed up ready to go

Trig point in the mist

Despite the mist the path from White Hill down to the M62, across the motorway and then up to Blackstone Edge was straightforward.
Bridge over the M62

Trig point on Blackstone Edge
Aiggin Stone

Shelter on Blackstone Edge

The White House pub was the next landmark. Unfortunately it was only 9.00 in the morning, so wasn't open. 

After the White House pub came the resevoir romp - several flat miles of track skirting a number of resevoirs.

first view of Studley Pike monument from the end of Warland Res

The path then wound its way acoss the moors with Studley Pike getting closer and closer. Eventualy there was a short sharp climb up to the monument. I climbed the dark staircase up to the balcony to get an even better view of the Calder VAlley.

Shortly after visiting the monument the track dropped down into agricultural land and I took a right turn off the pennine way and headed down a track marked as Pinnacle Lane into Hebden Bridge. After a lovely meal in the Old Gate Bar I had a couple of hours to wait until catching the train home.

Great walk - can't wait to get on the trail again,

About 12  / 13 miles.

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