Lots of walking stuff

Sunday, 19 May 2024

Pennine Way Day 2 Crowden - White Hill 15th May 2024

 Stayed overnight at Crowden with Anne and Meg in the van. We ordered a takeaway and then went for a short walk around Crowden before a good nights sleep.

It was reasonably clear on the valley bottom but misty up on the valley edge (Laddow Rocks) so unfortunately I missed the spectacular views looking down Great Crrowden Brook to Crowden. On Laddow rocks it was very misty and cold.

Leaving Crowden

Looking up the valley and heading into the mist

 I managed to get across the fords just after Laddow rocks and collect some wate without any mishaps, but ended up to my knees in bog just below Black hill summit.

Approaching Black Hill

Black hill summit

Once I reached Black Hill summit I relised I had lost a small wate bottle during my bog trotting episode. I met a fellow walker at the summit - an aussie who was doing Lands End to John O Groats.

The next section was fairly straigtforward with some ups and downs including a steep climb out oof Dean Clough. On this stretch I met a fellow walker who had been driven from Crowden to Standedge and was making his way back to Crowden.  As I approached the A635 I could see the snack van on the Isle of Skye road was open.

Dean Clough

Approaching the snack van

Definite shout out for this van. An epic bacom and sausage sandwich plus a strong cup of tea on proper crockery and I was also provided with a fold up chair. Brilliant service and value.

The next section followed a good track passing a couple of resevoirs and a sharp climb up the side of Wessenden Brook.

Wessenden Head Res

Climb up the side of Wessenden Btook

There was then a decent track across the moors past three more resevoirs before crossing Standedge cutting and a further 2 - 3 miles to wild camp on White Hill.

Standedge trig point

Looking back on the way up White Hill. There was a rainbow in this view but the camera didn't pick thta up

White Hill summit

I found a small patch of reasonably flat grass about 50 ft from the trig paoint to pitch up

The tent didn't blow away ! and I managed to get some sleep after the wind and showers subsided.

Link to a few Video Clips  PW Day 2 Clips

A fantastic days walk - about 14 miles.


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