Lots of walking stuff

Monday, 25 September 2023

Pennine Way Day 1 Edale to Crowden 13th September 2023

 The plan was to do a three day trek from Edale to Hebden Bridge. Due to my left ankle waving the white flag on day 2 I had to settle with one day.

Edale Start
I planned this at short notice which was probably a contributory factor to only managing one day. Anne gave me a lift to Langley Mill where I got on the train to Sheffield and then onto Edale, where I arrived around 8:45. Given the distance (16 miles) , the terrain and the amount of daylight available I decided I needed to up my normal walking pace and keep breaks to a minimum. 

The conditions were perfect for walking. Clear , warm, gentle breeze and no rain. 

I have done the walk out of Edale along the PW up to Kinder Downfall many times, so navigation on this first leg was straightforward with no map reading required.

Kinder Low

Kinder Resevoir from the edge of Kinder

As I was dropping off the North West corner of the plateau I bumped into a couple (in thier fifties I reckon) who were starting off on thier third Pennine Way adventure. I caught up with them a few times but every time they overtook me later on !. The trail over Mill Hill and then onto the A57(Snake) summit was flagged all the way which made for good going and easy navigation. When the PW was first opened this section was a notorious boggy slog.

View from the edge looking South West

The trail down from the plateau

The first part of the route from the A57 towards Bleaklow summit is a good ,cear path but fairly soon (after the turn off to the aircraft wreck) it becomes very boggy and sketchy. 

Bleaklow Head

One of the few  direction markers you get on Bleaklow

Once I had reached Bleaklow Head I was feeling very tired with aches all over. I guess I am not used to carrying a 28lb pack over this sort of distance and terrain. The final 5 miles or so following Torside Clough is what I think did for my ankle. Verry narrrow and rocky path.

The trail between Kinder and the A57

Torside Resevoir

Tarmac path across the top of the Resevoir

A brilliant days walking. I should have done more training to ensure I was in one piece to carry on the next day.

Here is a link to a few clips from the day PW day 1 clips

I arrived at the campsite around 6:30 which gave me an hour to check in and pitch up before it went dark. The camsite manager was great - he knocked me £10 of my booking fee down to a 'backpackers rate'

I awoke in the morning to heavy rain and a sore ankle. After some thought I decided I could do more damage if I carried on. I have walked the first half of day 2 and the climb up Laddow rocks is steep and rough. Anne came to my rescue and picked me up by about 9:30. 

End of the walk

Disappointed but not deterred. I'll be back.

About 16 miles. OS OL1 Dark Peak.

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

Kinder Scout Wildcamp 29/08/2023

 Finally got around to my first wildcamp - been meaning to do this for the last few years.

  I woke up , checked the weather and decided today was the day. I booked train tickets from Langley Mill to Edale , spent the morning getting my kit together and then by 1:30 I was on the way. 

The walk from edale was just a couple of miles. Out of the village and up the Nab and then around the base of Ringing Roger and onto the edge path. From there I followed the dry stream bed of Golden Clough up onto the plateau. Amidst the peat hags and bogs I found a patch of short heather - not completely flat but sufficient to pitch the tent.

On the way up

Grindslow Knoll on the skyline. The way I came down last time I was here.

Couldn't find any running water but there were plenty of bogs !

I was set up fairly quickly and soon had a brew on the go. Cooking was a bit tricky because I didn't have a firm/flat base for the cooker. I used bog water to cook my 'boil in the bag' chickpea curry. Fabulous views across the vale of Edale as the sun went down. The wind started picking up and I was soon tucked up in my sleeping bag as the temperature dropped. I didn't sleep very well as the sound of the wind hitting the tent kept me awake.

Top of Ringing Roger

Room with a view

I must have got some sleep , as I woke up to the sound of rain on the tent. I had just enough water for a cup of tea. Packed up in the rain about 7:30 AM and headed back down to the village. Despite the lack of sleep this was a great experience and I'll be back soon probably heading for the Northern Edge where there are more rocks to offer better shelter when pitching.

Saturday, 2 September 2023

Kinder Scout 21/08/2023

 Absolutely brilliant to get out here onto hallowed ground - first time this year.

The first half of the walk followed the start of the Pennine Way to Kinder Downfall. Edale - Jacobs Ladder - Kinder Low - Kinder Downfall. 

Looking down to Mermaids Pool from near Kinder Downfall

Kinder Low

Vale of Edale

Jacobs Ladder

Kinder Downfall
Grindslow Knoll

Kinder Resevoir from Kinder downfall

I backtracked to Kinder Low and the edge path. From there I headed eastwards through the Woolpacks and then from Crowden Tower to Grindsbrook Knoll< From there it was a straightforward track back into Edale. I found the steepest part of the track quite hard going.

Fantastic walk and a nice Penine Way taster. Approx 10 Miles. OS OL1  The Dark Peak

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...