Lots of walking stuff

Sunday, 1 March 2015

26th February 2015 High Rigg and Raven Crag

A great start to my Wainwright 214 challenge for 2015. Two separate ‘baby’ Wainwrights but as usual with the Lakes nothing is too easy.

For High Rigg I parked at a layby off the A591 just opposite the turnoff to the top end of Thirlmere. 50 yards on the main road to cross the river bridge and take the footpath on the right and then immediately take the left hand fork which climbs up to Wren Cragg which is the southern end of the High Rigg high ground. There is a decent path (soggy in places) which follows a loose ridge line towards High Rigg. The path goes over some of the craggy outcrops and around the side of others (Wren Crag, Mart Crag, Yew Crag Moss Crag)

Top of High Rigg


 This is a great walk with views of the Central Fells to the left , the Helvellyn range to the right , and Blencathra and Skidaw ahead. Looking back Raven Crag towers above the north end of Thirlmere.  As I still had Raven Crag to do, I decided to return via the high ground rather than drop down off the north end and return via the valley. It was also an excuse to enjoy the great views a second time around.

Once back to the car it was a short drive (1.5 miles) to the car park at the top of Thirlmere. Time for a bite of lunch and a change of socks and boots (feet were soaking after High Rigg).  About a 100 yards north of the car park the footpath starts on the left. This is the only sign post to Raven Crag. A steep climb through the woods brings you to a forest road. Follow this road to the base of Raven Crag and then bend away from the crag until another footpath to the left (no signpost – but it is opposite a gate to the right of the path). Path again climbs steeply up to a clearing and another well defined path that would take you to Castle Crag Fort. Take the left hand path which again climbs steeply to the summit of Raven Crag. This is a well built path with steps on the really steep bits.

Foot of Raven Crag

Raven Crag summit

Summit of Raven Crag gives fabulous view across Thirlmere. Descent is the same route back.

A brilliant start to 2015. OS OL 5 about 8 miles in total

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