Lots of walking stuff

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Shining Tor 1st December 2014

Monday off work so I decided to try a new walk. The original plan was to walk North from the Cat and Fiddle pub in a round walk taking in Shining Tor and Berry Clough and then cross the A54 and walk across Axe Edge moor looping back round up Danebower Hollow. However, because I didn't start until 11 AM and with limited daylight I ended up just doing the top half of the walk.

From the layby opposite the Cat and Fiddle I took the path heading West/North West along the road before turning right to tale the well signposted path up to Shining Tor.

One of the best things I like about Hill walking is the view you get from high ground. This section of the walk it was misty , so no view today. However, once I was away from the sound of the road it was a beautiful quiet walk with no air movement. Occasionally I would disturb a ground nesting bird which would take off with an alarmed squawk (or whatever Grouse , Curlews or Pheasants do !!). 

Trig Point Shining Tor

What a pose
From there a retraced my steps before taking a left at a path signposted Goytsclough Quarry. As the path dropped down towards the woods the mist cleared a little and I could see Erwood Resevoir in the distance. This section of the walk was quite wet and muddy. The path led into the top of the woods and then across Deep Clough via a  footbridge. There was a crossroads on the footpath the other side of this footbridge. I opted to carry straight on which eventually brought me to the minor road which leads down to Derbyshire Bridge. Cross the road and down into the valley there was an old stone footbridge across the River Goyt.

I stopped for a bite to eat on the other side of the bridge. This would be a excellent spot for a picnic.

There was a short stretch of path along the side of the valley before taking a left turn signposted Berry Clough. After a mile or so near the top of the clough I took a right hand turn in the path which led across open moorland and then to the roman road which led down to Derbyshire Bridge and then on the minor road up to the Cat and Fiddle. Useful to know that there is a car park at Derbyshire Bridge.

Vey enjoyable walk. I will definitely be back to the Axe Edge section and hopefully to repeat the first leg again on a clear day.

About 6.5 Miles PS OL 24 White Peak

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