Lots of walking stuff

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Cromford 30th October 2011

This was similar to the walk I did a few weeks ago.  Parked at Cromford wharf and walked along the canal to High Peak junction. Staraight up the high Peak trail up to Black Rocks. I picked up one of the waymarked walks in the woods before I got to Black Rocks, and after a while this was closed off due to forestry works. Got lost for a bit looking for one of the other walks. Found the Green one which took me back to the top of the High Peak trail. Back down the hill and along the canal to the car.

Not very exciting but a decent walk when I only had a few hours to spare. I also put myself under a bit of pressure as I only had 2 hours on my parking ticket....quite a brisk walk to fit into two hours.

Pleased that the new gaiters I bought in Keswick did thier job and kept my boots and feet dry, as it was a wet start to the walk.

About 5 miles OS OL24 White Peak.

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