Dave Rambles on and on...

Lots of walking stuff

Friday, 28 February 2025

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full circuit - from home into the park - out along the Nutbrook trail and around the old American Adventure site and back home through the park and Woodland Trus land.

No pics on this treck,  

Map from my Garmin connect app

About 8 miles. Total ascent 555 ft. Total descent 548ft

Harboro Rocks 14th February 2025

 First walk since Meg died a week ago. Still very sad not to have her with me.

I parked up at the National Stone Centre and just a hundred yards from the car park I joined the pennine bridleway which is a disused railway track. Navigation was simply a there an back through Middleton Top

Approaching Harboro Rocks

The summit with Carsington Water in the distance

On the pennine Bridleway

A nice walk. About 6 miles.

Unfortunately on my return I found the va had rolled backwards into a tree. The handbrake musn't have fully on. It is going to be a costly repair.

Thursday, 23 January 2025

Shining Cliff Woods , Cromford Canal 15th Jan 2025

 After taking Meg for a walk I got into the car and headed out for a walk around Cromford. However, the A6 was snarled up with some problem, so after sitting in a queue for abot 20 minutes I did a U turn and headed back towards Whatstandwell, where I parked next to the Cromford canal.

The only difference between the other times I have done this walk is instead of heading out of the village for a few hundred yards of road section I went left on a nice path through the woods towards the unfortunately named Knob farm before turning right and heading across a couple of fields to join the Midshires Way.

The view from above Shining Cliff Woods

River Derwent

Cromford Canal

A pleasant walk on a remakably warm January day. 

About 6.5 miles

Dinas Dinlle January 2025

 For our 50th (yes 50 years) wedding anniverary  we booked a nice cottage in Dinas Dinlle

 which is just south of Anglesey on the Nort Wales coast. The cottage was no more than a couple of hundred yards from the sea which was exactly what we wanted. No big hikes this week but plenty of walks up and down the beach including one round walk to Belan fort (originally built as a fortified port and now a private residence) and then back down a country lane to the cottage.

Beaumaris (Anglesey) beach


Most days we had the beach to ourselves

The cottage was one of four next to the farmhouse. We were the only ones there this week

The cottage behind the farmhouse

Range of hills on the Llyn penisula. Definitely coming back here to knock some of these off.

Tower on Llandwyn Island  on the souther edge of Anglesey
A lovely, relaxing week.

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Big Moor 24th October 2024

 I have done the Curbar Edge / Baslow Edge /  Birchen Edge so many times it was good to try a different route in the area. This first time out was only a short 4 mile 'taster' for a longer hike. It was also useful to work out the best place to park. There was a large layby on the Baslow / Sheffield A621 road, near to a stile onto the moor

This was essentially a there and back walk taking in a couple of stone circles and a lovely pool above a dam on Bar Brook.

Great spot for a wild swim

First stone circle near the start of the walk

The second stone circle was off the track just past some farm buildings. It is hard to make out because it sits in long grass

Second stone circle

Some clips from the walk - Big Moor Clips

An easy but great walk. I'll be back to do a longer hike soon. Hopefully next time I'll see some red deer. 
About 4 miles

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...