Lots of walking stuff

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Eagle Crag, Sergeants Crag, Ullscarf 4th August 2018

I didn't take Meg on this adventure as we were still in the grips of the heat wave. I parked at the school car park on n the edge of Stonethwaite village.

I headed up the valley on the wrong side of Greenup Gill, although it was a useful diversion as it allowed me to check out the camp site. By the time I arrived at the join of Langstarth Beck and Greenup Gill I could see I needed to be on the opposite bank. I guess I could have taken my boots off an waded across, but I chose to head back into Stonethwaite and cross the footbridge there (adding about a mile and half).

Eagle Crag

Finally I was at the foot of Eagle Crag. Before starting the climb the path skirted the base of the fell southwards through the waist high bracken, and then started climbing steeply to the hause between Bleak Howe and Eagle Crag. Through a gate and then more climbing where the path led up a gulley which was a straightforward scramble..At this point there was a vague path zig zagging up a number of terraces before a final scramble to the summit.

Eagle Crag summit

After all thta hard work it was an easy stroll across the ridge to the summit of Sergeants Crag,

Sergeants Crag

Sergeants Crag Summit
There was no path (that I could find) across to Greenup Edge, but the visibility was fine so navigation ws not an issue. As I met the Greenup Edge path I started to meet fellow walkers for the first time on the walk. Many of these wer on the Coast to Coast asking for reassurance thta they were oin the right track. It always amused me when someone asks me for directions on the hills...even funnier when I give them the correct advice !. From there it was a cas of following the line of old fence posts to the summit of Ullscarf.

Ullscarf summit

Lining Crag
Eagle Crag on the way down the valley 

Can't remember where I was pointing my camera but I think this is Derwent Water

From the top of Ullscarf I retraced my steps back to the Greenup Edge path and then followed this path to the top of Lining crag before descending steeply down Greenup Gill valley.

Yet another excellent (but hot) day in the Lakes. About 9 miles OS OL4 

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