Lots of walking stuff

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Lake District 18 19 20 April 2018

Brilliant three days in the Western Lakes, camping at Sykes Farm Buttermere.

I arrived mid Wednesday morning and (despite the good weather forecast) it was p****** it down!. I booked into the camp site , but decided to do my walk before setting up camp....hopefully in better weather later on in the day. This was the case and putting up the tent at 6.00PM in the dry was a much better option.

Wednesday 18th April - Starling Dodd , Great Bourne

This is the continuation of the High Stile ridge I did a few years ago. I remember running out of water that day and becoming dehydrated.... hopefully a never again now I have a water filter bottle. The route up was via Scale Force which is a spectacular waterfall between Buttermere and Cummock Water.

The steady climb up the side of the ravine was hard work, and then once on the ridge proper the wind was quite high. The descent from Great Bourne down to the Floutern pass was very steep but with the fence to one side and a grassy path it was quite straightforward. On my way back I passed Hen Comb and Mell Break ...part of tomorrow's route. It was great to get my first two fells of the week.completed.

Footbridge just below Scale Force

Scale Force


Starling Dodd(left) and Great Bourne just before I got onto the ridge

Happy Meg

Red Pike behind me

Starling Dodd Summit...very windy.

Starling Dodd behind me
Great Bourne Summit
Thursday 19th April Burbank Fell, Blake Fell, Gavel Fell and Hen Comb

Bacon sandwich for breakfast ...sat outside surrounded by mountains.... brilliant. The plan today was to drive the short distance to Loweswater and walk the Blake Fell Ridge returning by Mell Break. It took me a while to find the national trust car park at Maggies Bridge. For future reference it is down the track signposted High Nook Farm near the Kirkstile Inn.
Maggies Bridge - Burbank Fell

Burbank Fell - Blake Fell

Blake Fell - Gavel Fell

As you can see from the route above I didn't do Mell Break in the end. By the time I got to the top of Hen Comb I had no energy left to desend to soggy Mosedale and then ascend Mellbreak on the flank of the fell. .....another day.

Also, I screwed up with the final bit of the walk - walking over farm fields (and a river ) to get back to Maggie's bridge. I should have swung left and followed the wall until it met the track down through the farm.

The track up to Holme Wood

Mell Break

Blake Fell

Top of Burbank Fell
Blake Fell Summit

Gavel Fell

Hen Comb Summit

Friday 20th April Fellbarrow and Low Fell

Deliberately chose this shorter walk for the last day so I could get on the road at a reasonable time.
Parked at the hamlet of Thackthwaite for a there and back walk of these two fells.

Just to make things more interesting, when I got to the top of Fellbarrow I left Megs lead on top of the trig pillar. Got down to the col  before I realized and had to do the climb up again!!

Low Fell summit with Mell Break and Crummock Water in the background

Fellbarrow top

Way down from Fellbarrow ....I went right down to the bottom before climbing back up to retrieve Meg's lead !!

A terrific three day walking which included 8 Western Wainwrights ...176 is the total now

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