Lots of walking stuff

Monday, 26 March 2018

Grasmere Round 25/03/2018

Fabulous, but tough walk taking in Easdale Tarn, Tarn Crag, Sergeant Man, Blea Rigg and Silver How.

Up at stupid o clock (after the BST time change) 3.30 AM. Bloody freezing once I parked up at Grasmere, but lovely clear and calm conditions. It wasn't long before my top layer came off.

I was using a route downloaded from Go4 a walk - an unwieldy web site but with concise walk instructions (so I thought !!)
The walk guide I was using suggested crossing Sour Milk Gill above the falls. I couldn't figure out how to do this without taking a dunking, so I carried on up the gully to Easdale Tarn. What a magical place ...one of the many reasons why I love walking.

Tarn Crag...waiting to be climbed !

Half Way up Tarn Crag looking down
The only way up Tarn Crag was from the Tarn. I couldn't spot the Sheep Trod I had read about so it was matter of choosing the best line.....avoiding the scree was obvious but not sure if I picked the best way up. Eventually (heart and lungs busting) I got to the top...very satisfying.

Tarn Crag

From there the directions took me W and then SW, but I soon lost the path, and mistakenly thought I was heading for (what turned out to be ..) Pavey Ark, which looked a long way from where I was....stupid boy. At this point  I couldn't see Sergeant Man, so Garmin to the rescue. I had loaded all the key waypoints into my Oregon and soon I was back on track and the (true) Sergeant Man came into view.

Dodgy fella

Top of Sergeant Man (#166)

Blea Rigg from Sergeant Man
From there it was a relatively straightforward route (loosing path several times) to Blea Rigg and Silver How. I double checked I got to the correct summit with my Oregon !!. Blea Rigg isn't really a ridge  - more of an extended plateau.

Easdale Tarn

Stickle Tarn

Coldale Tarn

Top of Blea Rigg

Top of Silver How


Approx 11 tough miles. Tokk me 8 hours. A glorious day out. 168 Wainwrights. Can't wait for the next one

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