Lots of walking stuff

Monday, 26 March 2018

Grasmere Round 25/03/2018

Fabulous, but tough walk taking in Easdale Tarn, Tarn Crag, Sergeant Man, Blea Rigg and Silver How.

Up at stupid o clock (after the BST time change) 3.30 AM. Bloody freezing once I parked up at Grasmere, but lovely clear and calm conditions. It wasn't long before my top layer came off.

I was using a route downloaded from Go4 a walk - an unwieldy web site but with concise walk instructions (so I thought !!)
The walk guide I was using suggested crossing Sour Milk Gill above the falls. I couldn't figure out how to do this without taking a dunking, so I carried on up the gully to Easdale Tarn. What a magical place ...one of the many reasons why I love walking.

Tarn Crag...waiting to be climbed !

Half Way up Tarn Crag looking down
The only way up Tarn Crag was from the Tarn. I couldn't spot the Sheep Trod I had read about so it was matter of choosing the best line.....avoiding the scree was obvious but not sure if I picked the best way up. Eventually (heart and lungs busting) I got to the top...very satisfying.

Tarn Crag

From there the directions took me W and then SW, but I soon lost the path, and mistakenly thought I was heading for (what turned out to be ..) Pavey Ark, which looked a long way from where I was....stupid boy. At this point  I couldn't see Sergeant Man, so Garmin to the rescue. I had loaded all the key waypoints into my Oregon and soon I was back on track and the (true) Sergeant Man came into view.

Dodgy fella

Top of Sergeant Man (#166)

Blea Rigg from Sergeant Man
From there it was a relatively straightforward route (loosing path several times) to Blea Rigg and Silver How. I double checked I got to the correct summit with my Oregon !!. Blea Rigg isn't really a ridge  - more of an extended plateau.

Easdale Tarn

Stickle Tarn

Coldale Tarn

Top of Blea Rigg

Top of Silver How


Approx 11 tough miles. Tokk me 8 hours. A glorious day out. 168 Wainwrights. Can't wait for the next one

Carsington Water 21/03/2018

Lovely walk around Carsington Water.

No map needed ..... perfect cure from the cabin fever of the recent cold snap.

About 10 miles

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...