Lots of walking stuff

Monday, 1 June 2015

Saturday 30th May. Grike – Lank Rigg

My first venture to the far west of Lakeland. There was a little voice in my head saying that these are only small fells and it will be an easy and possibly unspectacular walk. Shame on me !! As usual, this beautiful, small corner of the Cumbria 
Top of Grike

Lank Rigg from Grike
came up with the goods. A great days walking, with varied views and plenty of challenges.

My first challenge was finding the starting place which I can now say is the minor road just outside Ennerdale Bridge signposted Gosforth, with the parking spot near the forestry commission footpath. I then couldn’t find the correct footpath which should take me through the forest to the slopes of Grike. It turns out the signpost was non existent – different from the walk outline I had downloaded. With some playing around with my Garmin I located the path and set off.

Ennerdale Water from the top of Crag Fell


The path taook me up the slopes of Grike to the summit and then across a boggy depression of the joining ridge to Crag fell with stunning views across ennerdale water and the Pillar range.

The downloaded instructions from the Walk the Lakes site were brilliant from then on. I could see the trig point on the summit of Lank Rigg on the skyline and it looked a long way off !!. The path took me to the depression between Crag Fell and Whoap (pronounced Warp) with is a parallel ridge separating Crag Fell and Lank Rigg.
Lank Rigg - from the bottom !

Whoap Beck Valley

Top of Lank Rigg

View South from the top of Lank Rigg

Climbing up through the cleared forestry land I was soon at the top of Whoap, looking at the climb to Lank Rigg. This was a steady slog (last bit steep) to the top. Short drink and photo break, and then I set off on the return leg which took me don to the dip between Lank Rigg and Whoap . Left turn there and down the  beautiful (wet and boggy in places) Whoap Beck valley. This also include a couple of fords which left me with soaking feet. Eventually the path met the road , maybe 0.5 – 1 mile above my parking place.

Another three Wainwrights – A brilliant days walking.

OS OL 4.  
9 miles

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