Lots of walking stuff

Friday, 6 July 2012

Linacre Resevoirs 1st July 2012

This is a walk out of the AA 1000 Walks in the UK. Walk number 739.  I haven't tried this before and it was very enjoyable countryside walk in this quiet North East corner of Derbyshire.

Parked in the resevoirs car park and followed the path down through the woods to the corner of the middle resevoir.  From there up through the woods to a path that came out near the dam wall of the top resevoir. The path through the woods then climbs up and you lose sight of the resevoir. The path didn't quite match what my instructions were saying, and after a steady climb along an overgrown track I came out well above the top resevoir oi the corner of a farm field. At that point I took a bearing from my Garmin to check exactly where I was - bottom of a field with wigley Hall farm at the top of a gentle slope.
Middle resevoir

From there on the instructions were spot on. Up to Wigley Hall farm, and thenleft along the road for a couple of hundred yards before picking up Bagthorpe Lane. walking along here reminded me of Bell Lane in Shipley park. The track took me through a couple of farmyards with mean looking dogs on the end of chains.....I know why folk do that but it just seems cruel to me.
Top Resevoir

At the top of Bagthorpe Lane I took a left turn along westwick Lane to BroomHall farm. Just before the farm a path turns left down over the river hipper and then up the valley side to Old Brampton.

Left into the picturesque village of Old Brampton for about 100 yards, and then therre is a track just after a phone box to the right which takes you to the edge of Linacre wood. From there I could see the edge of the bottom resevoir and a short descent through the woods brought me to the edge of the resevoir.
Bagthorpe Lane

From there a pleasant stroll along the top of the resevoir and then up through the woods to the car park.

A really nice walk which is a real contrast to recent hill climbs.

About 5 miles OS OL24 White Peak area

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