Lots of walking stuff

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Ingleborogh - Ingleton Waterfalls walk 2nd June 2012

Weekend away with a large family group at Ingleton staying in a lodge. Nearly fifty folk there including kids. No one else was up for a walk, so I thought the best way to get one in without buggering off on my own for the day would be to get up early and do one while everyone still asleep.
Climbing up Fell Lane looking back to Ingleton

First view of my target for the morning

As it turned out I couldn’t sleep on the hard bunk, so getting up at 5AM was easy. Cup of tea while I got my gear together and then I was off for 5.15. Walked into town and then out along the Hawes road. The footpath was a few hundred yards on the left. It is a good quality track marked as Fell Lane on the map. Navigation very easy , with a steady gradient all the way and the last mile becoming a little steeper. The last hundred yards was a bit of a scramble opening up onto  large grassy plateau, which I had all to myself. Spectacular clear views to the west and to the east the valley completed filled with cloud. I took a few pics, and on one  you can just see the summit of Whernside sticking out above the clouds. Short break at the cross shelter and then a stroll along the eastern edge of the plateau looking for the path down to Horton. Soon found it and off on the descent which soon opened out to a stunning landscape of lime stone paving. By this time there were a few folk on the way up from Horton. Around 9 AM I could see Horton in the valley below, so I rang Anne who was going to drive over from Ingleton to pick me up.
The summit trig point
cloudscape from the summit looking East / North East
Whernside summit just above the clouds
Limestone pavement on the descent to Horton

Walked through the village to the Pen-y-ghent cafĂ© where lots of three peakers were setting off. I would have loved to do Pen-y-gent but as it was a family weekend not possible this time. Anne picked me up and we headed back to the lodge for bacon and eggs…I seem to be making a habit of these early walks before breakfast.

Another great linear walk, and a fell I would like to do again – from a different route so I can go and visit Gaping Gill the large open pot hole on the southern  flank. Also I would like to attempt the three peaks.

After breakfast , it was boots on again for the Ingleton waterfalls walk with Anne (my wife) and Janet and Rick. Including the walk to and from the lodge to the start of the walk , about another 6 miles covered. This is a beautiful walk which I have done a couple of times before , and it never disappoints - see the pics.

Its that woman again - following me !

About 10 miles (up and down Ingleborough) plus 6 miles (Waterfall Walk)

OS OL 2 Yorkshire Dales South western

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