Lots of walking stuff

Wednesday, 6 November 2024

Big Moor 24th October 2024

 I have done the Curbar Edge / Baslow Edge /  Birchen Edge so many times it was good to try a different route in the area. This first time out was only a short 4 mile 'taster' for a longer hike. It was also useful to work out the best place to park. There was a large layby on the Baslow / Sheffield A621 road, near to a stile onto the moor

This was essentially a there and back walk taking in a couple of stone circles and a lovely pool above a dam on Bar Brook.

Great spot for a wild swim

First stone circle near the start of the walk

The second stone circle was off the track just past some farm buildings. It is hard to make out because it sits in long grass

Second stone circle

Some clips from the walk - Big Moor Clips

An easy but great walk. I'll be back to do a longer hike soon. Hopefully next time I'll see some red deer. 
About 4 miles

Codnor Park - Codnor castle 5th November 2024

 This was a larger round walk than the previous visits to Codnor castle. It was based loosley on an Amber Valley walk leaflet I found during a sort out.

After trying this a couple of weeks ago and going wrong after crossing Golden Valley road and ending up just backtracking to the resevoir, I took the footpath which was a contnuation of Coach Road ( a bit like Bell lane) and then the route was starightforward after that,

Coach Road

Codnor Castle

Codnorpark Resevoir

Lovely walk. About 5.5 miles

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Curbar Edge 03/10/2024

 Parked at Curbar Gap and did the loop anti = clockwise. Baslow Edge - White Edge - Froggat Edge - Curbar Edge

Apart from daily dog walks this was the first time out since the last PW outing. As usual this walk doesn't disappoint, and this time I got the added bonus of a magnificent stag on Big Moor that I managed to snap on maximum zoom.

Video clips  Curbar Edge Clips

About 8 miles

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Pennine Way Day 16 Greenhead - Hadrian's Wall - The Sill 07/09/2024

 I didn't know until I got back home but I had Covid. We think it was from the country fair at Chatsworth where Anne was working on the beekeeping stall. I had a high temperature which was keeping me awake until I took some paracetamol and manged a few hours sleep. Fortunately, only 7 miles today and easy navigation.

I set off just after 7.00 from the bunkhouse (perfect as I stepped oiut of the back garden gate straight onto the trail) My legs felt like jelly for the first few hundred yards, but soon warmed up. Unfortunately , it was misty so not much in the way of views. Luckily this is the third time I have walked this section of the wall , so I have seen the fabulous views before. The whole of this walk is shared by the PW and the Hadrian's wall trail.

Lots of up and down today as the trail follows the crest of the wall ridge.

Cawfields Quarry

I managed to get to the Sill just before 11 which gave me time for a cuppa before catching the bus back to Greenhead( Via Vindolanda and Haltwhistle).

Day 16 Clips

Pefectly set up now for the finish. I'll need 6 days- two travel days and four days hiking to finish.

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...