Lots of walking stuff

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Rushup Edge Kinder Scout 26th April 2021

 I didn't bring Meg on this one as it was warm , and I knew there would be little to no water sources on this hike.

Two of the goals on this walk was to visit a couple of Kinder Scouts features that I hadn't seen before - Edale Cross and the true summit of Kinder.  I parked at the NT car park near Mam Tor and walked along Rushup Edge and then the high moorland across the head of the Vale of Edale to arrive at the South Western corner of Kinder.

Start of the path across to Brown Knoll

Cowburn Tunnel Air Shaft

Looking back to the Great Ridge

Brown Knoll trig point

Rock outrop on the edge of Kinder

After leaving Brown Knoll the location of Edale Cross was easily found on the South Western path around Kinder.

Edale Cross

From there I followed the footpath up onto the pennine way path to Kinder Low.  I had a short break there before setting off across the plateau to the tru summit of Kinder (3m higher than Kinder Low). As there was no path I used my Garmin for this section. Fortunately, because of the recent dry weather there wasn't much risk of falling into a peat bog !!

Kinder Low

Military Helicopters over Kinder

The understated, highest point in Derbyshire !

On the way back to Kinder Edge

I made as good a  bee line as possible back to the edge and came out around Pym Chair, and then started tracing the edge path back to the top of Jacobs Ladder. At this point I came across a string of firefighters with rucksacks and big swatters on their way up to a fire a bit further along the edge near the woolpacks. They told me that Jacobs Ladder had killed thier all terrain vehicle.

This image was on max zoom from near Rushup Edge. You can just make out the area of the fire

Hats off to the firefighters. Fortunately, the fire didn't spread to a large area before they had it under control.

Vale of Edale

Rushup Edge

The Vale of Edale from Rushup Edge

Although I am 'walking fit' I am not 'hill walking fit'. My feet were developing a few hot spots in the last couple of miles, so I was glad to finally get back to the car.

Another fabulous wander on holy ground.

11.5 miles. OS OL1.

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Robin Hoods Stride 13th April 2021

 This was a short, explorative walk from the lovely village of Elton. The only other walk I have done in this area is the walk from Birchover onto Stanton Moor to see the Nine Ladies Stone Circle.

As you can see from the route above there was som thrashing around looking for the correct footpath before reaching Duddon Lane ! Also, once I had got to Robin Hoods Stride I decided not to carry on with the loop I had planned as I could see livestock in the fields ahead, and Meg was with me. Therefore I ended up with a there and back route.

I'll visit this stone circle on my next trip here

Robin Hoods Stride

Once up on Robin Hood's Stride the views of the surronding countryside were fantastic.

A very enjoyable short walk in this lovely corner of the Peak District.

About 4.5 miles. OS OL24 White Peak

Sunday, 11 April 2021

Post Lockdown walks 29/3/21 - 4/4/21

 As lockdown restrictions are removed we are now in a position to do walks further afield. for the last few months I have been out walking every day on local walks around the footpaths I can reach without the need to drive anywhere. The only time I used the car was a five minute drive to Morley Hayes and then a four mile loop across the fields opposite the golf course. This last week (today is 11/04/21) I have had a cold ( a pain  as I have had the flu jab and the covid jab!!!) so I have been back again doing local walks. All being well I'll be back out on the hills this coming week.

Cromford canal to Crich

I have done this walk many times but it was great to get out here again. for a local walk it has a great combination of water , hills , woods and great views.

About 8 miles

The Chevin 2/4/21

A short drive to the bridge near the mill in the centre of Belper was the start to this walk. Ben , Rowan and Meg joined me for this waalk. Amazing that this walk is so close to home but I have never done it. Apart from a short road section this was an brilliant 4.5 mile walk with rivers and hills (missing from Shipley Park!!).

Horsley Castle 4/4/21

This was a nice Easter Sunday walk with my youngest and eldest sons, Rowan and Ben. Also, Meg joined us.

No photos for this walk. An excellent 6.5 mile walk to work off a big breakfast.

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...