Lots of walking stuff

Wednesday, 16 January 2019

Houndkirk Moor Jan 11 2019

The start point was upper Burbage Bridge with the route following an anti clockwise direction.

Sheffield from Houndkirk Moor

A terrific walk on a still,mild January day.

OS OL1. 8.6 miles

Monday, 7 January 2019

Dovedale Thorpe Cloud Jan 7 2019

The plan today was to drive to Hollinsclough (off the A515 betwween Ashbourne and Buxton). However, when I got to the T junction from Via Gella, the road was closed. I had a chat with the guys there and they explained it would be closed for the day.

Plan B - A walk at Dovedale.

I headed South on the A515 back towards Ashbourne and turned off towards Dovedale. Before the car park there was space at a layby which I took, and from there , after a short road section headed cross country to Dove Dale.

Meg was in need of water (I had forgot to put a bowl in my rucksack), so we headed for Dovedale first where she could have a dip.

On the way to Dove Dale with Bunster Hill in the background

Beautiful Dovedale

A Small Hill with attitude

At the top

Summit Ridge
Down at the foot of Thorpe Cloud

Unplanned walk and a brilliant hill walk practice. Thorpe Cloud may be only 942 ft, but it makes up for that in it's steepness.

Around 3 miles OS OL 24 White Peak.

Birchin Edge, Gibbet Moor, Chatsworth January 2 2019

This was the perfect start to the New year and a new life (This was the second day of my retirement after over 4 decades hunched over a keyboard with my head in a database or Excel spreadsheet !!)

I think this is the third time I have done this walk and it doesn't disappoint. Over the twelve miles are woodlands, uphill sections, gritstone edges, open moorland and riverside(clough) sections.

I took the same route as previously (clockwise) :-

  • Chatsworth
  • Baslow
  • Baslow Edge (Wellingtons Monument)
  • Birchin Edge (Nelson's Monument - Three Ships)
  • Robin Hood
  • Gibbet Moor
  • Chatsworth (Upper Estate)
Chatsworth from Baslow Edge

On the way up to Baslow Edge

One happy dog.

Stream just before crossing the Road towards Birchin Edge

Nelsons Monument

The Three Ships

After crossing the road from the Robin Hood Inn

Clough running parallel to the road before climbing up to Gibbet Moor 

Hot dog becomes cool dog

Irrigation / Drainage channel on Gibbet Moor

Lonely tree on Gibbet Moor skyline

Start of the slog around Gibbet Moor

Gibbet Moor

Top end of the Chatsworth Estate

Swiss Cottage

Chatsworth from the Hunting Lodge

Hunting Lodge

Excellent walk. About 12 miles. OS OL24 White Peak

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...