Lots of walking stuff

Monday, 10 April 2017

Wymying Brook - Stanage Edge 31/03/2017

 New walk I got from the Paul Beasley Book - Walks in the Dark Peak.

The bit missing off the map is where I parked - Upper Burbage Bridge. The walk from the book starts at the car park at Redmires Res and cuts across the moor to the start of Wyming Brook.

Starting from the car park I walked
Along Stanage Edge
Stanedge Pole
Redmires Resevoir
Wyming Brook
Moorland parallel with Rivelin Dams
Across the A57
Long Lane to Moscar Cross
Back across the A57
Up to Stanage End
Finally the entire length of Stanage Edge back to the car park

Trig point on first section of Stanage Edge

Approaching Stanedge Pole

Wyming Brook 1
WM 2

WM 3

WM 4

Road above the A57

Long range shot of Win Hill

Moscar Stone

Stanage Edge

High Neb
What an excellent 14 mile ramble - I will definitely do this again.
OS OL 1 Dark Peak

Monday, 3 April 2017

Toutbeck Tongue Wansfell Pike March 24th 2017

After the previous camping trip I decided I was going to stick to one day trips until warmer weather. The
plan was to park at Troutbeck and do Troutbeck Tongue and Wansfell effectively as two separate walks.

For Troutbeck Tongue I used the walk the lakes guide which as usual was brilliant. Very straightforward navigation up Ing Lane to Hagg Bridge and then up the nose of the tongue (if that makes sense!!)

Looking back down the valley

Troutbeck Tongue summit

Ill Bell Froswick range

Planning to do Wansfell on the same day I opted for the simple back again route , knowing that most of the way back I could safely let Meg off her lead.

On return to Troutbeck I checked the map and headed off for the start of Nanny Lane. This was a straightforward , well signposted slog up the old drovers road and then across the fell side to the summit of Wansfell Pike. I was pretty tired at this point - not having much to eat (I left my food in the car). I should have done more research , because to correctly claim the Wainwright I should also have walked north along the ridge to the higher summit of Wansfell. Ah well...I'll have to come back.


Wansfell Pike Summit

Another excellent day out in the Lakes.

OL 7. About 9 miles

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...