Lots of walking stuff

Monday, 27 February 2017

Kinder Scout Northern Edge 17/02/2017

A brilliant winter walk along the North Edge of Kinder Scout. I haven't done this route before. The start point was the small car park on the A57 near the Snake Inn. Cross the road for a short distance before meeting the road again. After a short stretch along the road , the walk started properly at a stile opposite the Snake Inn.

Warning for dog walkers  - this is not a stile for dogs...I had to lift (an already muddy) Meg over. After a few hundred yards along the banks of the River Ashop I took a right which follows the Fair Brook up to the plateau.

The walk up the valley was a delight.

Once onto the plateau the route was straightforward apart from occasional stretches of bog trotting ...heaven if you are a dog !!

The edge path fizzles out just before the pennine way which can be clearly seen dropping down to the valley and climbing up the other side.

At the crossroads I took a right turn which headed back along the valley on the Snake path. 

The plateau edge from the valley

Me and my muddy friend

There were some very soggy , muddy stretches on this last phase of the walk.

An excellent outing. About 9 miles OS OL 1

Black Rock 27th January 2017

Bit of a slow start this year with regards to 'big' walks. I have been doing plenty of local walks with Meg, making use of the new network of paths into Shipley park as part os the open cast recovery.

Anyway this was a cold January morning  starting at Cromford - along the canal towpath to the High Peak Junction - up the hill to Black Rocks - Round walk and then back to the High Peak trail and down again.

About 5.5 miles OS OL 24

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...