Lots of walking stuff

Friday, 17 August 2012

Helvellyn 11th August 2012-08-15

Glenridding - early morning
As I was just about to start Striding Edge after a long climb from Glenridding I had a chat with a group of fellow walkers. I explained that I had taken a wrong turning at the start of my walk , but had  done a U turn to get back on this route because I wanted to go up this way as it was the first time for me. One guy looked at me and said with complete understanding ….’yes – it has got to be done’. I agree - for me , this is definitely one of those walks that ‘has got to be done’
Red Tarn and Helvellyn

 Arrived at Glenridding car park at 7.10. Misty , cool, and no other cars parked. Got myself kitted up and set up. The footpath signs from there are quite good but I made a wrong decision and headed up the Glenridding valley before realising I wasn’t climbing enough. After checking the map, I set of back the way I had come – already tired from yesterday and two miles on the clock…bugger.
On the edge

The long steady climb up the side of Birkhouse Moor in the hot morning sun was tiring and I kept stopping for a rest and water. As usual though the scenery was stunning. Eventually, I could see the top of Catstye Cam sticking up beyond the crest of the ridge I was heading for, and then finally I could see my target for the day – Helvellyn…with Striding Edge and Swirall Edge forming a giant amphitheatre, with Red Tarn in the middle.

After another steady climb past the ‘hole in the wall’ I reached the start of Striding Edge. There was already a lot of folk in front and behind me. I started with the premise that I would walk the ridge rather then the path just below the edge to the right (despite not being good with heights). So I set of and was fairly comfortable despite a few tricky bits. After about two thirds of the way across I was feeling really tired and a bit shaky so I dropped down to the path. However, the path doesn’t run the whole length so I eventually had to get back on top, and it was at that moment I had a bit of a panic and froze ….just for a few seconds…no choice really but to carry on. I soon got tom the bad step and probably because I am not very flexible I split my shorts on the way down which provided some much needed ventilation !! Just after that there is the final ‘hump’ of the edge , and not fancying that I spotted a path of sorts around it to the right. I think this was a bad decision because it dropped down and I was left with a really difficult scramble on loose ground to get back on the main path to the summit. The final climb to the summit is a steep tiring bit, but eventually I reached it. The top was fantastic – loads of folk around arriving from all the different routes to get there. There was a fellow there selling tea , coffee and bacon butties, to support his mountaineering expedition to Pakistan. Mountain bikers , families, young folk , old folk…..the British at play. I bought a cup of tea nad sat down for my lunch enjoying the splendid panorama in front of me.
Striding edge from Swirall Edge
After about half an hour I had to decide which descent I would take. Before the walk I had the grand idea of walking the ridge towards Fairfield and then dropping down to Patterdale via St Sunday Crag, but there was no way my battered body was going to take that. In the end I compromised and took the stroll along the ridge to Nethermost Pike to bag my final peak for the day. From there I headed back to Helvellyn to make my descent via Swirall Edge. The steep scramble down to the path was quite entertaining , but easier than Striding Edge. Once I got to the path the going was downhill all the way on the good path down to Glenridding. The day had got really hot by then so I took my time and stopped for plenty of rests. The scenery throughout was magnificent.  A great day out which will stay in the memory for a long time.

Nethermost Pike
view from the top

Around 14 miles. OS OL5 Lake District District Eastern Region

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Great Gable 10th August 2012

Fantastic weather forecast for the weekend, so too good a chance to miss. I had Friday off work and booked a nights stay at the Honister Hause YH.
Up at 4 AM. Off at 4.30. Arrived Honister Hause just after 8 AM.
Headed up from the YH straight up (literally) the steep footpath to Grey Knotts. Hard work in the warm morning sun. On my first stop for a breath, looking down across the spectacular views across the pass, there was no breeze...silence...except my heart thumping away. It is little magic moments like that that make hill walking so rewarding. On my second stop – just before I crested the first ridge before losing sight of the pass, I stood sipping my water and an RAF jet zoomed along the pass with a huge roar of sound....what is amazing is that I was looking down on it. What a contrast, but I really enjoyed the noisy break also. Steady climbing brought me to the summit of Grey Knotts with a short scramble to the top of the rocky outcrop on the summit. Taking heed from Wainwright that heading east of the summit leads to sudden death, I set off on the path along the fence towards Brandreth. I must admit that it is great to have an easy summit thrown in now and again amongst these Wainwrights , and the ½ mile stroll to Brandreth is one of them.
looking back on the slate mine on the way up Grey Knotts
The one mile steady climb to Green Gable was also straightforward with superb views across Ennerdale and the ominous north face of Great Gable looming ever closer.
Great Gable on the horizon

So three peaks in less than 2 hours ...how easy was that. Hmmmm.....Great Gable is a different proposition!!

Windy Gap wasn’t very windy – the view down to Styhead Tarn beautiful at the lowest point of the dip. Then a steep walk with some scrambling to the top of Great Gable. It felt like a great achievement to get to the summit. Similar to Scafell Pike it is actually a harsh boulder desert on top but with fantastic views across to the Scafell range , Ennerdale valley and Pillar.
Great Gable
I stopped for a break to soak in the views and mentally pat myself on the back. I had a chat with a fellow walker and I explained I might now have a go at Kirk Fell. He advised that there is a path of the West face dropping down to the col. I followed a few cairns which soon disappeared and I found myself (like a muppet) on a steep scree slope. So slipping , sliding , falling down, crapping myself...yipee. Halfway down I saw my fellow fell walker strolling along the col below me. It took me an hour to get down ...in the end I adopted a sideways step and slide using my walking pole as a sort of break. Great to get down – but absolutely battered and bruised.

Great Gable summit

Windy Gap - Looking down to Styhead Tarn
Scree slope to the right - my unintended way down!
After lunch I started up Kirk Fell (reluctantly) and after about 200 feet I threw the towel in and headed back on the Moses Trod path to Honister Hause. Just before I got back met up with a fellow walker with a border collie heading in the same direction - had a chat about all things walking and dogs ...more reasons why hill walking is so good.

After a nice evening meal at the YH, I felt so guilty about saying no to Kirk Fell , I put my boots on and headed up Fleetwith Pike. A bit different from my normal MO – taking my time – stopping – taking pics . However, given the time and pressure to get back before dark, this was more like a route march. I had to stop at the end of the old tramway track – A couple (Dutch/German) stopped me to ask the way ... that was easy as they were stopping at the same youth hostel - spent some time explaining what the Slate Mine was !!, but they were pleased that they weren't far off.
At the summit I felt like an interloper as there was a couple on a wild camp. They were great – we had a chat about the beauty of the lakes , midges, and the fact I am a sad old git stumbling onto their special moment. After a few pics of Buttermere with the sun setting , I set of down the fell. Lost my bearings on the way down , so cheated and followed the Slate Mine track back down to the hostel.
Buttermere from Fleetwith Pike summit

I love this part of the world - I am so envious of folks who live in the Lake District.

Not sure of the distance - probably no more than 10 miles on the map, but I was out for 7 + 2  hours.

OS OL4 The English Lakes North Western Area

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...