Lots of walking stuff

Monday, 19 March 2012

Rushup Edge- Brown Knoll - Kinder Scout 17th March 2012

I haven’t done a walk around Edale since last August , and as the weather looked good for walking today seemed like a good day.

I printed out a route map from my new Tracklogs digital map of the Dark Peak. First time I had used this. Although it is a bit pricey it is a fine piece of software.

From the car park I walked up to Rushup Edge via Hardenclough farm. This initial climb soon warmed me up and off came the top two layers.

Just before I got to the road I passed a group of Duke of Edinborough Silver award youngsters. They were on their last day walking across to Hope to catch a train. It was a bit like day of the zombies – they looked like they had been put through the mangle !

Vale of edale from Rushup edge
Across the road and up onto the edge. Weather perfect for a walk. Cool and clear (few clouds gathering over Kinder), with hardly any wind.  I have walked along Rushup edge before but not this route across to Brown Knoll. It wasn’t clear where the path to Brown Knoll leaves the main path, but a fellow walker pointed out the air shaft on Cowbourne Tunnel as a clear landmark. I picked up the path which after a while soon became vague and  non existent in places. I now know  the meaning of bog trotting. On three occasions I ended up to my knees in wet soggy peat !. Quite pleased that my gaiters protected the top of my boots and my feet remained dry. At one point I am sure I must have helped three fell runners who were about 100 yards behind me when my bottom half disappeared in the peat. I looked back once I was clear and saw them making a wide detour of where I went in !

Edge of Kinder looking down Grindsbrook Clough
 Although it is quite a level walk I found it hard work due to the lack of a clear path and the wet soggy ground.  After the trig point on Brown Knoll (pretty unremarkable place), I found my way to the fence with the clearly defined path which leads to a  T- junction with Jacob’s ladder.

From there a more familiar climb up to Edale Rocks for a bite to  eat.

Dodgy Bloke on the edge of Kinder !
Along the edge via the Woolpacks, and across to the  top of Grindsbrook Clough.  Back down into Edale via Grindsbrook Knoll.

Another excellent walk around the Vale of Edale.  This felt more like a fifteen mile walk rather than the ten covered.

10 Miles OS1 dark Peak

Sunday, 4 March 2012

Castleton Ridge 3rd March 2012

With Erica and Damien.

Great to get back on the hills after several weekends behind a computer screen.

This was the same route I have done a couple of times before.

Visitors car park - Hollowford road - Lose Hill - Ridge - Mam Tor - Limestone way - Cave Dale.

Mam Tor about to disappear in a cloud

Erica and Damien trying out some hill walking with a view to the three peaks challenge in June. (26 miles three mountains ....I am not sure)  They were both wearing trainers , so plenty of slips and a few falls. The climb up to Lose hill was hard work after a few weeks of inactivity, and the storm cloud were gathering. Luckily the weather blew over and as you can see from some of the pics , by the time we reached Mam Tor the sun was out. 
The final descent down Cave dale into Castleton was a bit tricky...specially wearing trainers.

Cup of tea and a toasted sandwich in Castleton . Great way to spend a saturday morning

About 6.5 miles OS1 Dark Peak

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...