Lots of walking stuff

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Bleaklow 15th January 2012

Short winter walk with Richard F

We met up at the Snake pass summit. Temperature about -5. I got quite cold getting ready as I had driven there in t shirt and sandals...maybe next time I get kitted up before getting in the car !!

We set off on the Pennine Way path and gradually after 20 minutes or so I could feel the end of my fingers. there was only a gentle breeze but it was bloody  freezing.

 We crossed Hern Clough, and then took a left turn off the path with the aim of getting to Higher Shelf Stones and the Superfortress wreck. I had put the grid reference into my Garmin Etrex but like a muppet had my device set to geo caching WGS84 datum rather than OS grid. After a while it was fairly obvious that we were below Higher Shelf Stones and my device was way off !!.   There was a whole load of fell runners coming down towards us ...we found out later they were running from Crowden to Edale - 20 miles across the most amazing terrain..effectively the first leg of the Pennine Way in reverse.

We were only a few hundred yards off, and on our way up to the ridge saw a mountain hare - fantastic to see this type of wildlife ..I have only seen one of these before on Kinder.

The B-29 crash site is amazing and sobering  - there is a memorial there and large pieces of wreckage over several hundred yards. This has been there for over 60 years. I don't feel that this was a 'disaster' tourist exercise - I was in awe at the scale of the disaster - a huge plane (the largest around in 1948) and the scale and height of Bleaklow, and the fact that 13 young men lost thier lives - due to go home to America shortly after this flight.

Short walk to the trig point where there was a whole load of folk and a tent !...  check off point for the fell runners plus a group of walkers on a break.

From here there is a fantastic view over Glossop, Manchester and Kinder Scout. Cup of tea and a rest.

Drop down and across to the Pennine Way path dodging the increasing number of fell runners.

As Richard said 'A different walk' ....very enjoyable , and now I have my GPS with the correct settings I'll be more confident about walking on Bleaklow which is such a contrast to Kinder Scout.

Around 5 miles Dark Peak OS1

Monday, 2 January 2012

Chatsworth 30th December 2011

A nice walk to end the year with. Parked at Carlton Lees car park (only £2). Crossed the road into the estate and then a short walk to the hump back bridge over the Derwent. Over the bridge and then follow the lane which skirts the eastern edge of the estate up towards the ridge. That was a fair gradient which warmed me  up. Take the stile to the left onto a well defined path across a field which leads to a ladder stile over a wall and into the estate again.
Across the ridge and then into Stand Woods. Follow well  defined paths past Swiss Lake on the left and Emperor Lake on the right. Take a sharp left around the hunting tower and follow the path past an old ruined viaduct and then take the right hairpin wihich winds down through the woods to the house. Quick stop for a cup of coffee and then follow the river back to the car park. Got fairly close to a group of Deer and took a few snaps.
I enjoyed this more than expected and would definitely do it again.

OL 24 White Peak about 6 miles

Shipley Park 27th December 2011

Usual circuit of Shipley Park. Up Old Pit lane and across the fields into the Park. Visitors Centre and then back to Smalley via Bell Lane. I took Tammy as far as the visitors centre. Anne came and picked her up from there. The last time she came on the full walk she was limping for a day aftre that.

Wore my new soft shell jacket over a fleece and it certainly works and keeps me warm. Towards the end of the walk the hat was off and the ventilation zips on the side were fully open.

A great way to clear the Christmas cobwebs.

About 4 miles

Shipley Park 26th Feb 2025

First half of the Cleveland way in a few weeks time so I have set myself a target of  3 - 4 days per week of 20K + steps.  I did the full ci...